Curriculum Sristi Sanskaar

Sristi Sanskaara-Special Curriculum

The curriculum is designed and developed by an in-house team to maximize learning to young children with minimum inputs throughout consistently.

While the ancient Gurukul education system’s objective is “to have complete learning, leading a disciplined life and realising one’s inner potential” the contemporary international curriculum framework aims to “enable all children to achieve their highest potential as individuals”.

With a dedicated team for R&D (Research & Development), Sristi’s curriculum “Sanskaara” is designed in a very scientific way by integrating this two system of education to make our curriculum “Complete and Result Oriented”, a perfect blend to retain traditional values with modern education. Our QASDC Team (Quality Assessment & Skills Development Check) ensures quality in everything we do at all centres.

Brain’s ability to respond to new things decreases over the period of time. So, it is important to ensure that the distribution of curriculum across the age group is optimal.

We give every child a great beginning!

The language experiences that children have before they start school form powerful brain connections. These connections are used for language, thinking, and understanding. Without activities like speaking, singing, and reading, the brain doesn’t develop these important connections.

Sristi Sanskaara is compiled with more emphasis to develop required skills for holistic development. Following are key focus areas at glance:

  • Shiksha/Pustaka-Vachana / Literacy Skills
  • Samkhya /Numeracy Skills
  • Samaajika Vidya/Social Skills:
  • Prahelika /Problem Solving
  • Vyaktitva Vikasa/Personal Development
  • Daihika Shisksha/Physical Development
  • Gandharva Veda
  • Parisara Vignanam/Environment Education

Literacy is the foundation for reading, writing, communicating, and socializing.

 We understand that children don’t automatically learn to read as they grow up. They need to be taught how to read and we give them rich opportunities to practice their reading skills.

We provide high-quality learning experiences which ensure every child has the opportunity to develop the skills they need to succeed in school and life.

Literacy development is a vital part of your child’s overall development. It’s the foundation for doing well at school, socializing with others, problem-solving, making decisions, developing independence, managing money, and working.

We encourage children to have plenty of experience with:

  • pictures and objects – how you can use words to talk about them
  • letters and words – how they look and sound, and what they’re called
  • sounds – how words can rhyme, begin and end with the same letters, be broken up into parts like syllables, be formed by blending different sounds, and so on.

Foundational numeracy is making sense of numbers and the ability to do basic operations like addition and subtraction of the same. ...

We teach numeracy skills in such a way that children recognize and apply maths concepts which will make a huge difference in all aspects of your life.

A typical example of how we incorporate numeracy skills?

  • Solve problems – for example, have I got time to walk to school?
  • Analyze and make sense of information – for example, how many wins does my team need to get to the top of the competition?
  • Understand patterns – for example, what number would the next house in this street be?
  • Make choices – for example, which bike is the best?
  • Use maths concepts to describe what you and your child are seeing and doing together. For example, ‘Look at the fast cars’ or ‘This bag is heavy’.
  • Point out and name the numbers you see, like the numbers on mailboxes, buses, and road signs.

We ensure that Child’s everyday experiences are full of learning opportunities that lay the foundations for numeracy.

Samvacya /Communication Skills-Ability to convey the message by one person to other(s) whereby the other person(s) understands the message in same way as intended by conveyer.

Multilanguage Proficiency: We encourage children to learn more than one language by healthy interaction with teachers and peers, boosting up listening skills which in turn improves cognitive skills, allows for effective communication with teachers and peers of the same age group and provides a broader toolkit for exploring and expressing a diversity of thoughts and ideas

Vyakarana/Language Enrichment: Sristi is ambitious to enhance language competence among children. To improve language competence, we focus on learning outcomes. We encourage and motivate children. Our attention would not just be mere provision of language teaching and learning but also to assessing how competent children are to use their language competences in practice

Interpersonal skills: It is equally important to build a strong foundation for Interpersonal skills to be a good leader, team player, and friend.

Kalpana Shakti/Creative Thinking & Imagination: Ability to use the brain for understanding, interpreting, visualizing things innovatively. Creativity and imagination promotes child's motor skills, social interactions and even emotional development.

Taarkika /Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning: Creating a suitable environment for children to imagine beyond the boundaries which in turn they create visual images, helping them explore ideas without any constraints. Also promoting critical thinking and developing problem-solving skills, thus helping children come up with new possibilities and solutions

At Sristi, we believe that when children play, they often face challenges that they overcome through logical thinking. Hence, encouraging free play is essential to develop logical thinking

Intrapersonal skills: Our programs are designed to develop Intrapersonal Skill for introspection and self-improvement. One should have very strong connection & comfort with inner self to build self-confidence and self-respect.

Memory Development: We have understood what kind of memory capabilities a child possesses and apply the appropriate strategies. We stimulate working memory that is stored in the short term and used to make decisions and operate at the moment. This type of memory is critical to behavior regulation and problem solving.

We follow the protocol of learning capability of child to engage children with appropriate activities accordingly for play-based, activity based and experiential learning

Emotional Intelligence & control: We focus on developing emotional intelligence that stem from empathy. Intrapersonal intelligence or a sense of self, emotions, strengths and weaknesses enhances the ability to understand other’s desires and motivations.

Art of Learning: We just do not teach students to learn. We teach them how to learn that helps them to build the art of learning which helps them to continue pursue more with less support. This is a way to achieve more with less for any institution and parent. 

Naitika/Moral Values & Ethics: Teaching young children about what is good and what is bad helps them to develop good behavior and be just & fair in their interactions with others.

Dasana-vasananga-raga /Cleanliness & Vainayiki vidya Discipline: Cleanliness is next to godliness. These are basic things to be thought from very young engage. Again, discipline is one of the important requirements to build a good personality. Education without discipline cannot help anyone to succeed and live a good life with family and society.

Sports & Games: Health of the brain is tied to the health of the rest of the body and vice versa. Engaging children in different physical activities will improve the cognitive and memory functions of the brain, helping them to perform better in their academics.

Neuro Motor Development: The brain learning to use the body, comes in two flavors: gross motor skills-the ability to control large muscle groups and fine motor skills- the ability to execute more fine-tuned movements

Gandharva Veda: Vadya vidya /Music, Nritya vidya /dance and Natya vidya /Theatrical skills

Vadya vidya /Music: A solid foundation in the basics of singing is introduced from Kindergarten.

Nritya vidya /Dance & movements: Rhythm and movement to music does not only build imagination and channel energy constructively, but also create a sense of emotional wellbeing.

Natya vidya /Theatre skills: Expression of emotions, undertaking the connotations of language, the facets of characterization and above all public speaking skills are honed and polished in the compulsory Theatre classes from kindergarten.

Suci-vaya-karma/ Sutra-krida/Alekhya vidya Art & Craft: Nothing initiates one's imagination better than art and craft.

Sristi emphasise on activity – based learning and crafting acts as a channel to help children with creativity, self-expression, concentration, learning, planning skills, and dexterity.

Understanding the importance of environment and its conservation is the need of this century to save the world for next generation and century. We at Sristi want to  enlighten our students on how to conserve our environment in the face of increasing human population growth and anthropogenic activities that degrade natural resources and ecosystems.

Understanding the Enviroment is broken down into three aspects:

  • People and Communities
  • The World
  • Technology

People and communities

Interactive Sessions:

As children learn about the world around them they find out about the past through talking to parents, grandparents, and friends and they develop an interest in their own stories as well as the stories in their family – this is the beginning of developing an understanding of the past and helps them to learn about how other people are different from them, yet share some of the same characteristics and ideas.

The World

Understanding of the world develops as children take notice of everything around them including places and all the things within them such as trees in the natural environment and roads and traffic in the built environment.


Technology has become commonplace for many families and children often see and use it quite naturally when they activate a toy such as an ambulance or police car to make a siren sound.

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