Taking part in educational activities for preschoolers is an excellent way to teach little minds something new, instill values, and enhance their concentration early on.
Whether it’s reading, playing, singing, or simply talking, preschoolers can learn a lot and start absorbing these lessons just by observing others.
Today, in this article, we will look at 10 fun and educational activities to do with preschoolers.
1. Use Toys to Teach Them About Animals
This is one of the most commonly used ways to attract preschoolers. You can use stuffed animals for this activity. It’s best to use different sounds for different dolls representing various animals, like a cat, dog, cow, pig, etc., helping the toddler realize that different animals have different voices.
2. Play Bubble Games with Kids
For this game, you need to create a bubble solution by mixing one part dishwashing detergent powder with one cup of water. Next, use any open-ended object (like a bubble wand) to make bubbles. This activity is great for developing hand-eye coordination and can also teach kids about cause and effect.
3. Show Them Clouds and the Sky
It’s a great way to show your kids what clouds look like. Talk to preschoolers about clouds and demonstrate what they look like in the sky, or you can show them a projector or TV with cloud images. This helps children start to understand the natural world and its elements.
- Play Nice Music
As an educator, you should be creative and come up with soothing music that preschoolers can enjoy and listen to attentively. Playing music with stories can also work. You can start with popular stories like “Aesop’s Fables,” where music complements the storytelling and helps engage children in learning.
- Play Matching Rhymes Game
In this activity, you need two pieces of paper. On one paper, write down a list of words. On the other paper, write the rhyming word for each of them. Read aloud both lists one by one so that even toddlers can understand how these rhyming words sound. This is great for building language skills.
- Play “I Spy” Game to Increase their Concentration Level
It’s a simple yet interesting game. Let the youngest kid start the game. They need to pick any object from their surroundings, like “fan,” but they can’t say the object’s name. Instead, they will say, “I spy with my little eye something that starts with the letter F.” Kids in the group will guess the object one by one and speak it out. The one who makes the correct guess gets to choose the next object.
- Play Shop to Teach Basic Calculation
It’s an interactive game where you can act as a customer while the toddlers play the role of shopkeepers. This is an excellent way to teach simple calculations to kids. As a customer, you will pay paper money to the children in exchange for groceries or toys. You can also use paper items to simulate toys or groceries.
- Balloon Game for Numbering
Take a balloon and tap it into the air, positioning it above you. Now, count the number of times you and the kids can tap the balloon before it touches the ground. In the next round, you all try to break that number. For example, if you managed to tap the balloon 10 times before it touched the ground, you’ll aim to tap it 11 times in the next round. This game improves coordination and timing.
- Introduce Heads and Tails
Introducing heads and tails is an excellent way to teach your child about probability. Show them how to toss the coin into the air, explaining that there are only two possibilities—heads or tails. For those unfamiliar, “heads and tails” is commonly used to determine who goes first in sports matches.
- Color Hunt Game
This is simple: pick a color and find an object that matches that color. Then, ask the preschoolers to find objects around the house that match the color you chose. This activity helps them learn about colors while also encouraging exploration and observation.
In Conclusion
At Sristi Kids Preschool, we offer many interactive sessions and preschool learning activities that help preschoolers learn and observe new things in a fun and engaging way. We also instill essential values that nurture their intellectual growth and overall holistic development.
Through hands-on learning, interactive play, and thoughtful guidance, we make learning fun and impactful for every child. We invite parents to reach out to us at sristifoundation@gmail.com for any admission or other queries. We’ll be happy to welcome your child to our school and help them unleash their true potential.